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The most rockered board in our current line, the CI Pro is the pinnacle of high performance. The continuous rocker which is curviest beneath your feet allows for quick directional changes while the low curve out the back maximizes projection.

The CI Pro's minimal single concave with a very slight double through the fins causes the board to sit in the water and creates a more connected feel at high speeds and through your turns. The curvier outline matched with soft, tucked rails provide for extreme rail to rail surfing.

Created by Britt Merrick, through work with Dane Reynolds and Parker Coffin, the Two Happy takes all the high-performance speed and flow of the original Happy but makes it more accessible and user-friendly for a broader range of surfers and conditions.

With added entry rocker and increased double concave, the Two Happy is looser, rolls rail to rail more easily, and carves better in the pocket. Our team describes the board as exceptionally fast, responsive, and under the feet. The fuller rails and wider, thicker tail block provide ease of paddle, ride, and acceleration.

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The Fever has its roots in Al Merrick’s trusted and proven high-performance shortboard designs. The goal in designing this board with Mike Andrews and Patrick Gudauskas was to create a more accessible tour level performance board that anyone who jumped onto it would “instantly feel the speed and zest for creativity.

Borrowing Pat’s favorite elements of the Proton, Rookie, and MBM, and combining them with a subtle single concave and lower rocker resulted in a board with a huge sweet spot. With a slightly more parallel outline and forgiving rocker, the Fever has proven to be an all-around design that excels in a wide range of conditions and wave types.

The Fever was born from a desire for an all-around performance board based on elements I love, Speed, Drive, and Flair. My Goal in designing this board with Mike Andrews and Channel Islands was to create a surfboard that I could surf in almost any conditions and have a hell of a good time on it.

I wanted a more accessible Tour Performance board that anyone who jumped onto it would instantly feel the speed and zest for creativity. Conditions: I like to surf my Fever in anything from 2-3 foot softer California style beach break and point break waves, to 6ft+ World Tour style waves, like Snapper, J Bay, Bells, Lowers, Haleiwa, and Backdoor.

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